Human Indignity, Karl Marx and the Spiritual Challenge of Getting Beyond the Dollar
The Year as an Archetype of the Activity of the Human Soul
Commentaries on Rudolf Steiner’s Soul Calendar verses by Monica von Miltitz
Poem by Monica von Miltitz
Thoughts on the St. John’s Festival
Bruno Krüger
The Blind Spot, or the Year of Catastrophe 1935
Aphoristic Observations on a missing appearance by Ahriman in the fourth Mystery Drama
T.H. Meyer
The Task of Vidar
In the Appearance of Christ in the Etheric
Ricarda Murswiek
June Calendar
The Inner Earth and the Problem of Evil
Essay by Édouard Schuré
Édouard Schuré and the Interior of the Earth
Volker Siegfried Zielonka
The ‘Anglobal’ Royal Wedding: Symptoms and Symbols
Terry Boardman
“Social Threefolding” for All?
Where do we stand with regard to the “Threefolding of the Social Organism”?
Karl-Dieter Bodack
Humanising Medicine
Obituary for Prof. Frank Nager M.D.
Dr. med. Olaf Koob
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