On 19 February this year at the opening of a congress for biodynamic agriculture, a video was shown in which the Prince of Wales gave an address. In it Prince Charles chastises in a calm and factual manner the destructive treatment of the Earth through the use of artificial fertilisers and monocultures etc. He draws attention to the fact that the right methods and resources have long been available in the agricultural course which Rudolf Steiner gave in Koberwitz in 1924. This means that Steiner’s indications have finally been
taken up worldwide and are being followed. (see http://www.convegnobiodinamica.it/ it/video-19-febbraio-2016/)
With this address Prince Charles joins a number of other representative personalities who have been receptive to a new, threefold world order in the sense of spiritual scientific impulses.
In the late 1930s King Leopold III of Belgium was concerned to support the establishment of an institute in Brussels headed by Walter Johannes Stein. The aim of this was to gather and coordinate data on the real economy and worldwide resources fur a constructive ordering of the global economy. Stein had a number of conversations with the interested monarch about world history in the light of anthroposophy. He also made contact with Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, who also showed interest in the work of such an institute.
Both the fundamental intentions of the Bretton Woods conference (1944) and the Bilderberg Group, set up in 1954 by Prince Bernhard, originated, albeit in a modified sense, in the efforts of Stein’s Brussels institute, which had to be closed at the beginning of the war. Stein had sought to establish it at the
urging of D.N. Dunlop, the founder of the World Power Conference, which still exists today as the World Energy Congress. (see J. Tautz, Walter Johannes
Stein – A Biography.)
In July 1924 D.N. Dunlop had been able to persuade Edward, the Prince of Wales, to open the World Power Conference, which made it well-known and lent it prestige right from its beginnings. (see Thomas Meyer, D.N. Dunlop – A Man of Our Time)
In the summer of 1917 Arthur Polzer-Hoditz gave Emperor Karl I of Austria- Hungary a Memorandum for the possible reshaping of conditions in the Dual Monarchy. This fact was revealed, along with the first publication of the Memorandum, in the biography of Emperor Karl by Arthur Polzer-Hoditz;
in the English edition of the book (1930) it was omitted. (see Thomas Meyer, Ludwig Polzer-Hoditz – A European)
For the 400th anniversary of the death of William Shakespeare on 23 April we recall a dream figure that connected Shakespeare and the Egyptian Mysteries. It comes from Ludwig Polzer-Hoditz, who himself had had a great Roman monarchical past and had been born on 23 April 1869.
Notes of a dream of Ludwig Polzer-Hoditz 29/30.7.1941: Participation in an Egyptian-style cultic ritual. Stood with crossed arms as a bearer of light. [The] content [was] in the sense of a Shakespearean drama. Probably an indication of a connection between Shakespeare and Egypt.
Did Shakespeare’s dramatic art originate in Egyptian initiation rituals? As Shakespeare represents an absolute peak of occidental drama, in the 20th century Rudolf Steiner, with his Mystery Dramas, planted the seeds of the drama of the future. It will be built on the reality of reincarnation and karma.
May this year’s Easter Festival enable the true contemporary spiritual deeds of monarchs, poets and of the founder of spiritual science and his truest pupils to be resurrected in real, active drama.
T.H. Meyer