Dear readers and future subscribers,
This is the “free trial” issue of the English-version of the German-language monthly journal Der Europäer, now running into its 19th year. We decided to call this English edition of our magazine “The Present Age – an international monthly journal for the advancement of Spiritual science”.
W.J. Stein (1891–1957), inspired by D.N. Dunlop (1868–1935), had already published a journal with this title in the 1930s (1936–39). By choosing this title we aspire to connect with and continue the great, unfinished impulses of Stein, Dunlop, Ludwig Polzer-Hoditz (1869–1945) and many others. These individuals were pio- neers in realizing the impulses of Rudolf Steiner (1861–1925) for the modern world, each in his own way. Stein wrote the first thesis ever written on anthroposophy; Polzer-Hoditz was instrumental in publicly launching the idea of the threefold society; Dunlop laid the groundwork for a true world economy, which is not yet realized.
The Present Age will try to discuss all major events and developments of our time from a spiritual scientific viewpoint. It is edited on a completely independ- ent basis and has no financial or spiritual obligation to any society or trust.
The Present Age will cover, as does Der Europäer, “Symptomatic events in the fields of economy, culture and spiritual life” and is based on the spiritual research published by Steiner. Its aim is to reach readers in English-speaking countries, as well as English-speaking readers in other parts of the world.
We will, without being dogmatic, not be shy in speaking about spiritual science or “Anthroposophy”, trying to show its unique potential in understanding and tackling all major questions of life. The first issue, which will come out in April, will bring an as yet unpublished article about “The Meeting with the Being of An- throposophy” by Charles Kovacs (1907-2001), an outstanding teacher and painter who worked and lived in Edinburgh.
The editors for the journal are Thomas Meyer (Basel, CH, editor-in-chief), Terry Boardman (Stourbridge, UK, also responsible for translations), Andreas Bracher (Cambridge, USA, co-editor) and Orsolya Györffy (Basel, also responsible for coordi- nation and Admin). Graphics and layout are done by Nils Gunzenhäuser (Bruchsal).
This Zero issue is composed of articles and article excerpts that have been published earlier in Der Europäer or are otherwise from would-be collaborators of The Present Age. They convey an impression of the kind of writing that The Present Age will contain.
To apply the words of D.N. Dunlop for one of his own publications to The Present Age: “It will interest you more than you dream… The price of it is only (… ) £ 10, which is not much if you consider the research necessary for compiling such treasure.”
We value your interest in our publication very much and we would greatly appreciate it if you would pass this “free trial” issue on to friends.
With all best wishes,
Terry Boardman, Andreas Bracher, Orsolya Györffy, Thomas Meyer
See the editors’ introduction on page 11.