Helmut Zander’s publication Anthroposophie in Deutschland – Theosophische Weltanschauung und gesellschaftliche Praxis 1884–1945 (Göttingen 2007) [Anthroposophy in Germany – Theosophical worldview and its social practice 1884 – 1945] has aroused interest and has been met with approval in anthroposophical and other circles. The following analysis shows that Zander dismisses the scientific character of Anthroposophy, without himself having at his disposal a comprehensive, clear concept of scientific research and without himself having undertaken a genuine and serious study of the epistemological foundations of Anthroposophy.
For this reason, Zander’s work—despite a wealth of partially accurate, but also in part plainly incorrect, isolated fragments of information—has the character of a pseudo-scientific polemic against Steiner’s spiritual science. In November Der Europäer published a study by Dr. Peter Selg which provides carefully substantiated evidence that Zander’s representation of the development of anthroposophical medicine is characterised by allegations, half-truths and misjudgements.
Thomas Meyer
Articles by Meyer and Selg can be downloaded here as PDF files (in German):
Thomas Meyer:
Helmut Zander und sein dilettantischer Wissenschaftsbegriff Helmut Zanders voluminöses Vorbeigehen am methodischen Kern der Anthroposophie Rudolf Steiners – ihrer Wissenschaftlichkeit
Dr. Peter Selg:
«Helmut Zander und seine Geschichte der anthroposophischen Medizin» Teil 1