TPA Editorial

A Great Bridge-Builder: Helmuth von Moltke – In memoriam

In this issue we are devoting a special insert for the commemoration of the 100th death day (18 June 1916) of Helmuth von Moltke (b. 23 May 1848), this important individual with his world-historical task.
Moltke is one of the great shapers of European history in the last thousand years – and indeed, over incarnations. In the 9th century in his incarnation as Pope Nicholas I, the Moltke individuality made the decision to ward off atavistic eastern spirituality from Europe, so that Europeans could embark on the necessary path to materialism, natural science, and technology. The Great Schism between East and West in 1054 was the consequence of Nicholas’ actions in the 9th century. It laid the ground for the conflict-ridden scenario of 1914: from the East-West divide came the East-West Conflict.
Moltke’s role as Chief of the General Staff of the German army as well as his whole personality have for the most part been distorted and slandered. Moltke’s connection with Rudolf Steiner’s spiritual science has been the object of further slanders, also against Rudolf Steiner himself.
Steiner’s memorial address for Moltke on 20 June 1916 calls for objective accounts of the role and personality of Moltke in the future. Steiner sees Moltke’s world-historical significance primarily in the fact that he stood with the greatest sense of responsibility firmly on the earth  but also took the path to the spirit. Steiner followed the post-mortem life of Moltke’s soul and wrote hundreds of notes of post-mortem messages. These messages also sketch a picture of the spiritual activity of the Moltke individuality in the present and the future. They complement the picture of Moltke’s outer, earthly activity in a unique way. They represent a cornerstone for every future biographical and historical account which also seeks to include the esoteric, spiritual side.
In 1993 Perseus Verlag presented the exoteric and esoteric double nature of Moltke  in a two-volume publication titled Helmuth von Moltke –Dokumente zu seinem Leben und Wirken [Helmuth von Moltke  – Documents on his Life and Activities]1. It was republished in an expanded version in 2005/07. The first edition had followed substantial collaboration with Johannes Tautz, to whom the Moltke connoisseur and defender Jürgen von Grone (1887–1978) had entrusted Steiner’s original documents. The second edition contained, amongst other things, valuable commentary on the letters by the Der Europäer author Andreas Bracher; of especial note here are Bracher’s observations in his essay at the end of the second volume: “Der erste Weltkrieg in den nachtodlichen Mitteilungen”. [The First World War in the Post-mortem Communications].
The Moltke soul sees from its post-mortem perspective its present and future task in a new reconciliation between the sense world and the spiritual world, which should correspond to a new relationship between Central Europe and the Slavic East. This was for the Moltke individuality the consequence of the catastrophe of the First World War. On 22 June 1918 the post-mortem communications included this sentence: “It will be the reverse task of that in the 9th century”.
This new Moltke mission is in sharpest contrast to the present East European policy of the US regime and its NATO instruments, a policy supported by most Europeans, but which has not drawn the necessary consequences from either the First or the Second World War. This policy is short-sighted and spiritually blind and must, unless there is a change at the last minute, end in a third catastrophe.
May this centennial commemoration of Moltke not remain merely a historical retrospect, but lead to an awakening to the great historical tasks of the present and future.

T.H. Meyer


1   Available in English in a single volume Light for the new Millennium – Rudolf Steiner, Helmuth von Moltke, Eliza von Moltke, Letters, Documents, and After-Death Communications ed. T.H. Meyer (Rudolf Steiner Press, 1997, rep. 2014).

The moon landing and the manipulative power of the mass media

In the family in which I grew up there was no television, but we had some good neighbours, so my sister and myself, more often myself, from time to time were allowed to go over to them and watch TV a bit. So on a July evening in 1969 I was sitting once more in the dining room of the friendly couple who accompanied our childhood with much warmth and kindness.
And there and then I was told by the TV reporter that man had just landed on the moon. And what a great achievement this was. I had already built a detector radio, which happened to be tuned to Radio Moscow, and had biked with a friend several times to Basel airport where we admired the first Caravelle jet ever landing on it. Truly fascinating, including the thundering noise of the engines.

And now I was supposed to be fascinated by the first moon astronauts. All I could see was some little men in white suits and with huge helmets with a reflecting Plexiglas front, walking at the speed you would go when walking through water and occasionally jumping in slow motion up and down on the hilly, sandy ground. I was more puzzled than fascinated. And in a strange way I found the whole scene rather comical than truly impressive.
Over thirty years later I was reading the first critical comments that doubted that the moon landing ever really happened. Again not very impressive. Why should it have been faked? Cui bono? But after 9/11 the moon-landing question took on a new form. If nothing else, it was the living and peaceful proof that you could advertise an event exactly in the way you wished it to be interpreted. The modern mass media’s power of deception had reached a new climax. That was a real achievement. And this “success” emboldened some manipulators of  public opinion to spread an obviously faulty and even ludicrous “conspiracy theory” of a truly terrible and not in the least ludicrous event – 9/11 – to the whole world, consuming the mass media.
9/11 was named the “new Pearl Harbor” on the very day it occurred. Well, its official narrative was as mendacious as the one about the old Pearl Harbor. In both cases the world was misled to believe in a “surprise attack” which was only a surprise for the gullible who did not see behind the scenes. The official Commission Report was justly dubbed “Omission Report” by some critics.
The scapegoat of the old Pearl Harbor was Admiral Kimmel (see p. 26) who died 33 years before 9/11, the new Pearl Harbor. Kimmel was something like the Alfred Dreyfus of the American nation, blamed for a catastrophe others had brewed up.
For the reasons briefly sketched above, we welcome a critical article on the alleged moon landing (see p. 17), clarifying the deeper implication of this modern “myth” for the strengthening of materialism in modern natural science.
The neighbour at whose home I first watched the “moon walkers” had grown up among the people of Dornach and as a girl she had known Rudolf Steiner, as a very friendly man who smiled at the children, sometimes giving them sweets. She witnessed the burning of the Goetheanum when she was about 12. And she had tears of pity in her eyes when, much later, she spoke of this event, full of empathy for this blow against the work and life of the “good man”. She never became an “anthroposophist”, but her faculty of compassion and her sense of truth may have inspired the young neighbour watching the “moon walkers” with the eerie feeling of witnessing some kind of unbelievable comedy or fake.

T.H. Meyer

The Present Age Volume 2 / No. 02 May 2016



The moon landing and the manipulative power of the mass media


Fred Poeppig

The Urgent Need for New Economic Concepts
Alexander Caspar

A Booklet of Banalities – Britain’s EU Referendum

Terry Boardman

The Decline of American Power
Franz-Jürgen Römmeler

Putting Goethe’s Faust on the Index

Andreas Bracher

WHY didn’t we go to the Moon?
Douglas Gibson

May Calendar

Mercury and the Sun
Márta Varga

Admiral Kimmel, the Scapegoat of Pearl Harbor Then and Now
T.H. Meyer

Under General Suspicion
Cyril Moog

Memories of Rudolf Steiner

Ludwig Polzer-Hoditz

Personalities around the Goetheanum
Interview with Alexander von Glenck




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Princes, Monarchs and the Drama of the Future

On 19 February this year at the opening of a congress for biodynamic agriculture, a video was shown in which the Prince of Wales gave an address. In it Prince Charles chastises in a calm and factual manner the destructive treatment of the Earth through the use of artificial fertilisers and monocultures etc. He draws attention to the fact that the right methods and resources have long been available in the agricultural course which Rudolf Steiner gave in Koberwitz in 1924. This means that Steiner’s indications have finally been
taken up worldwide and are being followed. (see it/video-19-febbraio-2016/)

With this address Prince Charles joins a number of other representative personalities who have been receptive to a new, threefold world order in the sense of spiritual scientific impulses.
In the late 1930s King Leopold III of Belgium was concerned to support the establishment of an institute in Brussels headed by Walter Johannes Stein. The aim of this was to gather and coordinate data on the real economy and worldwide resources fur a constructive ordering of the global economy. Stein had a number of conversations with the interested monarch about world history in the light of anthroposophy. He also made contact with Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, who also showed interest in the work of such an institute.

Both the fundamental intentions of the Bretton Woods conference (1944) and the Bilderberg Group, set up in 1954 by Prince Bernhard, originated, albeit in a modified sense, in the efforts of Stein’s Brussels institute, which had to be closed at the beginning of the war. Stein had sought to establish it at the
urging of D.N. Dunlop, the founder of the World Power Conference, which still exists today as the World Energy Congress. (see J. Tautz, Walter Johannes
Stein – A Biography.)

In July 1924 D.N. Dunlop had been able to persuade Edward, the Prince of Wales, to open the World Power Conference, which made it well-known and lent it prestige right from its beginnings. (see Thomas Meyer, D.N. Dunlop – A Man of Our Time)

In the summer of 1917 Arthur Polzer-Hoditz gave Emperor Karl I of Austria- Hungary a Memorandum for the possible reshaping of conditions in the Dual Monarchy. This fact was revealed, along with the first publication of the Memorandum, in the biography of Emperor Karl by Arthur Polzer-Hoditz;
in the English edition of the book (1930) it was omitted. (see Thomas Meyer, Ludwig Polzer-Hoditz – A European)

For the 400th anniversary of the death of William Shakespeare on 23 April we recall a dream figure that connected Shakespeare and the Egyptian Mysteries. It comes from Ludwig Polzer-Hoditz, who himself had had a great Roman monarchical past and had been born on 23 April 1869.


Notes of a dream of Ludwig Polzer-Hoditz 29/30.7.1941: Participation in an Egyptian-style cultic ritual. Stood with crossed arms as a bearer of light. [The] content [was] in the sense of a Shakespearean drama. Probably an indication of a connection between Shakespeare and Egypt.


Did Shakespeare’s dramatic art originate in Egyptian initiation rituals? As Shakespeare represents an absolute peak of occidental drama, in the 20th century Rudolf Steiner, with his Mystery Dramas, planted the seeds of the drama of the future. It will be built on the reality of reincarnation and karma.
May this year’s Easter Festival enable the true contemporary spiritual deeds of monarchs, poets and of the founder of spiritual science and his truest pupils to be resurrected in real, active drama.

T.H. Meyer

The Present Age Volume 2 / No. 01 April 2016


Princes, Monarchs and the Drama of the Future

THE MEMOIRS OF LUDWIG POLZER-HODITZ                      Memories of Rudolf Steiner
Ludwig Polzer-Hoditz

The Empire Strikes Back
Terry Boardman

The Spiritual Calendar or:
how one becomes a real contemporary

T.H. Meyer

JFK and the Unspeakable
John Schuchardt

The Primary Season in the US

Andreas Bracher

Media Review – “Cold War” and “Great Caliphate”
Franz-Jürgen Römmeler

April Calendar


Fred Poeppig

An English Life
Hugo von Hofmannsthal

Amenemhet III and the “Labyrinth” of Fayoum
Dr. Bettina Volz

The Triptych of the “Master of Moulins”
Dr. Christin Schaub

The Reach of the State

A Discussion


Impressions of Nuremberg
T.H. Meyer



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The Present Age Volume 1 / No. 12 March 2016


Russian Roulette, “Conspiracy Theories” and a great European

The Right Experience of the Passage of Times
Fred Poeppig

The Problem of Evil
Charles Kovacs

Understanding the Interior of the Earth
Volker S. Zielonka

Media Review – March 2016
Franz-Jürgen Römmeler

Longinus the Lance-bearer
Marcus Schneider

“Deep in Aherlow Valley…”
Falk Feind

March Calendar

Heinrich Mann and the German Folk-Spirit
Andreas Bracher

About our Calendar

Hermann Beckh
Edzard Clemm

An Appreciation of Oliphant by a Young Central European
T.H. Meyer

When a Stone Begins to Roll
T.H. Meyer

Laurence Oliphant – A Great Unknown
T.H. Meyer

The Evolution of Minerals
between the Cosmos and the Earth

Dr. Christin Schaub

Conversations with Rudolf Steiner about the Art of Painting
Andrea Hitsch


Coincidences in connection to two murder cases
T.H. Meyer



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Russian Roulette, “Conspiracy Theories” and a great European

In February US President Obama quadrupled the 2016 military budget for the NATO armies advancing towards Russia’s western borders. These armies have, until now, constituted nothing but a provocation of Russia,  warranted by nothing if not arms deals or other ignoble motives.The ‘Cold War’ is now threatening to move into a real war, in which the use of nuclear warheads by Russia is also a possibility.
“This step [by the  Obama Administration] is unprecedented in modern history”, remarked Stephen Cohen, Emeritus Professor of Russian Studies and Politics at Princeton University. “Apart from Nazi Germany on the eve of its invasion of Russia, the military power of the West has never positioned itself so close to Russia. The decision of the Obama Administration is nothing other than Russian roulette à la  Washington.”1
This move of course immediately makes all the alleged peace efforts by the USA, and others towards Russia, look like a farce – another opportunity to realise the fundamental hypocrisy of US foreign policy today. The word  “hypocrisy” is not applied here as the expression of any subjective indignation, but as an objective characterisation of the basic drive of this policy, in the sense of Rudolf Steiner’s words: “the lie with which the West has to work, if it wants to succeed (…)”2

During a pedagogical conference in Hamburg in the second weekend of February, the former Member of the German Parliament for the Greens and also Member of the European Parliament, Gerald Häfner, said to a small circle how shockingly slight the resistance in the Bundestag had been after 9/11 against the “unconditional solidarity” with the US government called for by Chancellor Schröder and the leader of the Greens, Fischer. That resistance was finally able to ensure that only a deployment of the Bundeswehr to Afghanistan was approved, and not also to Iraq etc. It is grotesque that in such circumstances in the world Anthroposophists who seek to be leaders believe they have to take up the fight against “conspiracy theories”, as has happened with the League of Free Waldorf Schools since last summer3 – without troubling themselves about the fact that this poisonous propaganda term (conspiracy theory) originated in the circle of the conspirators against John F. Kennedy.4

1916 is also the year in which to commemorate an important European, who was not murdered but has nevertheless been the victim of a persistent campaign of character assassination: Helmuth von Moltke. It is to be hoped that more contemporaries will be able to consider the life and suffering of this personality of world-historical significance without prejudice (and not rest content with questionable spiritual encounters with him in which one is assured: “One likes to work with such people!”).5 We would like to draw attention here to the remarkable impression of Moltke by Heinrich Mann in the article by Andreas Bracher in this month’s issue of TPA (p. 22).


T.H. Meyer



2   Der Europäer, Vol. 3 / No. 5 / March 1999

3   “What Is Public Opinion?” TPA, Vol. 1 / No. 8 / June 2015. On the death of Kennedy see James W. Douglass, JFK and the Unspeakable, 2010

4   This happened when the spokesman for the League of Free Waldorf Schools, Henning Kullak-Ublick, warned against inviting “conspiracy theorists” as lecturers to Waldorf Schools. In a letter of 2 November 2015 defending himself against “Heinz Mosmann and many others” he recommended the book by Karl Hepfer, Verschwörungstheorien: Eine philosophische Kritik der Unvernunft, [Conspiracy Theories: A Philosophical Critique of Unreason] Hepfer gives an overview of current “conspiracy theories”, without presenting even a single serious representative of views that diverge from the “politically correct”.

5   As has been proclaimed in the German language publication Erlebnis Erdwandlung, 2009, p. 154.

In the article “The Anglo-American and the Middle European-German Mission” (Vol. 1, No. 11/ February 2016, p. 3ff.) by Thomas Meyer the quotation from The Mission of the Archangel Michael (GA 194) – “Now, the actual victors are the Anglo-American peoples…” – was erroneously cited as being from Steiner’s lecture of 15.12.1919. It is actually from the previous day’s lecture, 14.12.1919.

Living with Anthroposophy and True Positivity

Overcoming A Critical Experience

Anyone who has for many years been seriously occupied with Anthroposophy will, sooner or later, experience something like what could be described in the following way:
He will feel the need to bring something new into his relationship to Anthroposophy.
This feeling is not about simply studying a new cycle of lectures, but about developing a new quality, a new degree of earnestness with regard to Anthroposophy. With some people, it leads to a crisis; they feel they are up against a dark wall, which they perhaps feel to be impenetrable and they give up any further study of spiritual science.
This wall actually exists. It is the threshold of the spiritual world. It can only be crossed when the path of spiritual exercises is taken; at the point where the above-mentioned experience is encountered, perhaps for the first time; or with the decision, to go on along this path with new strength and new courage.
Most readers will know the six qualities, which are also known as the six “subsidiary exercises”, that is, exercises besides actual meditations, as given by Steiner on several occasions. They are: control of one’s thoughts, control of one’s actions, endurance (tolerance), open-mindedness, trust in the world (also known as positivity) and inner equanimity. These are the terms Rudolf Steiner uses in, amongst other works, the books Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and Its Attainment (GA 10) and The Stages of Higher Knowledge (GA 12). To train oneself consistently and repeatedly in these qualities is already a very secure way to overcome the above-mentioned critical experience. They are also worth recommending to those who do not actually also practise meditation.
If the crisis is not mastered, then anthroposophical “knowledge” threatens to become  superficial. Spiritual science or Anthroposophy is a living being. It therefore has to be lived with. The soul cannot do this as long as it only accuses the cold intellect of being “muck”.


Positivity and the Value of Life

The exercise of positivity has a special meaning in the face of the wold situation today which creates such untold catastrophic suffering. This exercise is one for strengthening the I. 1
The thinking human I is the judge of the value of life, which seems oppressed in so many ways today, if not even negated. But how does the I determine the value of life? By means of a division. The denominator below the line may contain countless negative experiences. As long as there is even a single positive value of life in the numerator – hourly, daily, yearly etc., the value of life can never become zero. In no hour, on no day, in no year, in no life.2
In-dividuality divides. When we become real individualities, life appears worth living under all circumstances.

T.H. Meyer


1   Rudolf Steiner in a lecture in Leipzig, 2 January 1914 (GA 266c)

2   This is, in short, the way in which Steiner determines the value of life in the 13th chapter of the Philosophy of Spiritual Activity (Freedom).


The Present Age Volume 1 / No. 11 February 2016


Living with Anthroposophy and True Positivity

The Anglo-American and Middle European-German Missions
T.H. Meyer

The Migrants and the German Government
Andreas Bracher

Media Review – February 2016
Franz-Jürgen Römmelerr

Shakespeare and Bowie – Oddities in Time and Space
Terry Boardman

Helping –Healing – Harmonising
Radio lecture by Hermann Pfrogner

poem by Monica von Miltitz

About our Calendar

February Calendar

Kaspar Hauser and the Protection of the Future Human Being
Conversation between Jasminka Bogdanovic and Eckart Böhmer

Like Shattered Glass
Benjamin Butler

Mario Betti: Living in the Spirit of Anthroposophy
Johannes Greiner

“Fire of Life”
Gabriela Maria Gerber




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The Present Age Volume 1 / No. 10 Januar 2016


Gazing across centuries or digital dementia?

St. Benedict, Reginald of Piperno, Thomas Aquinas and Rudolf Steiner
T.H. Meyer

The Nature of the Human Being (part 2)
Rudolf Steiner

The Published Work of  Walter Johannes Stein
Jens Göken

The Present Age from the 1930s
Andreas Bracher

January Calendar

About our Calendar

The New York Times
Andreas Bracher

Two Memorable Visits to Paris
Terry Boardman

Terror at a Rock Concert
Andreas Bracher

Echoes in response to “The Occult Background of  Rock Music”
Johannes Greiner

The Frescoes of Fra Angelico in Florence
Erich Prochnik

The Crazy Mushroom-Picker of Chaville
Ruedi Bind




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Gazing across centuries or digital dementia?

Some World Historical Rhythms and Motifs

The year 2016 does not promise to be a calm one, certainly not calmer than 2015. In such times of war, migrations, economic crises and general unrest in human souls it is particularly appropriate to raise our gaze a bit above the horizon that usually just comprises days or months.
In spiritual science we learn to look at larger rhythms. Foremost among them is the rhythm of 33 1/3 years. Any year chosen can be regarded as a germ of impulses, good or bad, which will unfold and finally blossom after 33 1/3 years.1 A strong historical impulse may roll on for another 33 years or even blossom again hundred years after the original event. In the following we enumerate a few examples, which could, of course, be multiplied at length.
33 years ago, in 1983, the first mobile phone was put on the market in the USA; more important maybe: IBM presented the first PC. In 1989 the World Wide Web started with global internet access. All three inventions have become indispensable to modern humanity, but they are also the causes of (dis-)information flooding into human souls and they make it difficult to come to independent individual judgement. There was perhaps never an age better informed and more devoid of real thought. For information and thought are quite different things. Only a thinking consciousness can separate useless information from that which points to essential facts and events. Without such a consciousness the soul simply drowns in a flood of information. A new epidemic disease is emerging: digital dementia.
In November 1983 the German government allowed the installation of Pershing II missiles in the country. Today, Germany is harbouring US bombers with atomic devices and is cooperating in a barbaric multi-national war in Syria without any legitimation. Russia is the only nation fighting ISIS which was asked for help by Syria; this is a bad token for future relations between Germany (and other European states) and Russia.
In 1950 (when the Korea War began) Senator McCarthy started the US anti-communist witch hunt. Today a similar hunt is undertaken against anyone asking questions about key events of our time (like the 9/11 attacks, the Charlie Hebdo incident or the recent Paris attacks last November); such people are labelled “conspiracy theorists”. This term was coined by the former CIA director Allen Dulles to discredit all those who did not swallow “the lone gunman theory” after the Kennedy assassination in 1963.

Rasputin, Moltke, Editorial TPA Vol1, No. 10 NEW


A hundred years ago, two great, though extremely different personalities died. They were involved in the tragic course of the First World War: one of them was Rasputin who tried to convince the Czar that the war was bad for Russia; he was murdered on 30 Dec. 1916 in a plot supervised by a British agent.
In June of the same year, Helmuth von Moltke died in Berlin. He is, next to Rudolf Steiner, the most misunderstood and slandered individual in the history of Europe in the 20th century. Moltke was outstanding in combining the utmost earthly realism with a deep enthusiasm for studying spiritual truth. After his death, this latter aspect of his being blossomed  intensely. His after-death communications are full of insights about the real signs of the times. He knew that Europe and the whole world must wake up to a science of the spirit, or materialism would suffocate human development. He knew that more and more people would be possessed by demonic powers, as in Dante’s “Inferno”, and as we can see them at work in many infernos in our own time. He knew that to recognize these beings spiritual science is indispensable. He knew that the dead live on and can become helpers for the living. And he once stated: “Out of the body, one must direct the gaze of the soul across the centuries. And this gaze across the centuries must be illuminated by the understanding which one has been able to acquire through contemplating ideas of how things relate to one another in the greater dimension of the spirit.”2
Such a larger and spiritualized gaze is without doubt necessary for meeting all the challenges and conflicts of the time to come.


T.H. Meyer


1   See Rudolf Steiner on Dec. 17 1917 in GA 180

2   See Light for the New Millennium, Rudolf Steiner’s Association with Helmuth and Eliza von Moltke, Letters, Documents and After-Death Communications, London 2nd edition 2015, Message of 1 March 1918.


The Paris Attacks – Cui Bono?

Just one day after the ISIS attack in Beirut which took the lives of more than 40 people, there was a series of attacks in Paris which killed more than 130 people and for which ISIS also claimed responsibility. This came ten months after the ISIS attack on the Charlie Hebdo magazine.
The day after the attacks of November 13th we received a letter from Jacques Le Rider, a friend and Professor of French and German Studies, who flew from Vienna to Paris on the 13th of November. He reports:
“Yesterday evening there was the most horrible terrorist bloodbath in recent history in Paris (…) Parisians have learned that they live in a dangerous war zone. Paris is becoming the West European Beirut.”
On his flight from Vienna to Paris many hours before the attacks Le Rider had the following experiences:
“I had a flight from Austria to Paris (Charles de Gaulle). Already in Vienna there was a warning: ‘Starting from today the Schengen Regulations have been cancelled by France’; so one had to prepare for passport control when arriving in Paris. I thought: this might be a precautionary measure because of the large Climate Conference in Paris in the beginning of December. At the CDG airport there seemed to be a certain nervousness at the border controls. Never before had I seen such a number of policemen and customs officials. For the first time in years my luggage was searched. (My passport and identity papers were not inspected.) The wave of attacks in central Paris started a few hours later. I am convinced that all security services in France and Europe were on alert. (…) Who were the killers? How could they move in the centre of Paris like fish in water and organise this without anybody noticing, – loaded with heavy weapons as they were? These are open questions …”
At the moment only those who pulled the strings will be able to answer these questions in detail. But at least one should avoid getting hooked on wrong or one-sided questions. For example, the question is not whether “ISIS” is really behind the attacks, but Cui bono? Whom do these attacks serve? An answer to this question is already revealing itself with an almost eerie clarity: those power circles, who want to get Russia, which alone was purposefully fighting against ISIS, out of Syria, because they still want to topple Assad; as well as NATO led by the US, which could now force all NATO member states into a bloody commitment in Syria, with France leading the way.
We would remind you that a political plan of Western powers for a “new caliphate” can be traced back to at least the 1990s, for example in an article in The Economist from the turn of the year 1992/1993.1


All contemporary wars are, from a spiritual viewpoint, proxy wars by the Ahrimanic powers, which want to keep mankind from finding the modern path to the spirit by enmeshing it constantly in terror and war. The human propagandists of these wars are really Ahriman’s conscripts. Their wars only appear to circle around Rights, Democracy, Western values etc.; in reality they serve to undermine the modern path to the spirit.
Given the gloomy state of the world, we would like to point our readers to two extraordinary Christmas pictures by Charles Kovacs, which deals with this path to the spirit.

Thomas Meyer


1   This article was the topic of an essay by Terry Boardman in The Present Age of last month (Vol. 1, No. 8.), titled “The Disastrous 21st Century”.


The Present Age Volume 1 / No. 9 December 2015


The Paris Attacks – Cui Bono?

The Nature of the Human Being
Rudolf Steiner

The Solomon Jesus Child and The Christmas Light Inside
Charles Kovacs

Evidence of the Creator’s Error?
Dr. Christin Schaub

Death of a Diplomat
Andreas Bracher

War Against Europe
Balázs Korcsog

December Calendar

About our CalendarThe

Occult Background of Rock Music (Part 2)
Johannes Greiner

Conversation about Mandelstam
Prue Benson

The Three-part Hymn of the Monk Quitrillerer
Reto Andrea Savoldelli

“Behold, a Virgin shall conceive…”
T.H. Meyer


“Oh no, is it possible? The good man has died!”
T.H. Meyer



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The Present Age Volume 1 / No. 8 November 2015


The “New Caliphate” – Planned Long Ago

November, the Threshold Month
T.H. Meyer

November verse
Monica von Miltitz

Imagination, Inspiration, Intuition
T.H. Meyer

“The Disastrous 21st Century”
Terry Boardman

The USA and the VW Scandal
Franz-Jürgen Römmeler

Money: Aging with an Expiry Date
Harald Herrmann

Commitment, Compromise and Communicide
Steve Briault

November Calendar

Anthroposophists and Nazism
Andreas Bracher

About our Calendar

November Mood
Dr. Christin Schaub

The Occult Background of Rock Music (Part 1)
Johannes Greiner

On Mis-identifying “the Beatles from the Abyss”
A Response to Johannes Greiner
Terry Boardman



Freedom of Speech in Switzerland
T.H. Meyer


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The “New Caliphate” – Planned Long Ago

Many Europeans lack the capacity to grasp long-range perspectives of the development of Europe and the world. This is not the case with the leading political circles in the West (or at the Vatican).
We have in this magazine repeatedly drawn attention to the world map that appeared in September 1990 in The Economist. This map was accompanied by an article which portrayed a kind of futurological programme for how the world would look in the 21st century. There would no longer be a single Europe. Europa is shown torn into eastern and western parts; the one is in the sphere of influence of an ‘enlightened’ Protestantism/Catholicism, the other is within the Orthodox stream. Nearby are imaginary continents, which are also given “religious” names: Hinduland, Confuciania and Islamistan. Ten years later followed the attacks of 11 September 2001, which were blamed on Islamist perpetrators. Now the Islamistan Project could be put into operation. The struggle against “Islamist Terror” has served as an excuse for the destruction of  Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and so on. Now it’s Syria’s turn, while elsewhere Russia is threatened, where the attempt is being made to tear Ukraine, which many Russians see as a piece of their heart, away from Russia.
In both cases an apparently new phenomenon is involved: the new Caliphate. But only apparently new, for this too was “foretold” in The Economist not long after the publication of the above-mentioned map. Just over two years after the appearance of that map, at the turn of the year 1992/3 an ingenious “fantasy” article appeared in The Economist with the title “LOOKING BACK FROM THE YEAR 2992” – thus 1000 years in the future. It posed as an extract from a book of world history that had been published in the year 2992 and bore the subtitle: “A World History, Chapter 13: The Disastrous 21st Century”1. Since “Islamistan” has now been realised (by the so-called ‘Islamic State’ group) there is every reason to take a closer look at this article. It describes, amongst other things, the emergence of a New Caliphate, whose “driving factor was not religion, though that created the movement’s sense of identity. It was hypernationalism….The first victim was Turkey (…) The forces of the New Caliphate swept up to the Bosporus [sic], and, in the War of the Sanjak (2016), established their first bridgehead in south-eastern Europe. The main target, however, was the decaying corpse of Russia (…) and here the New Caliphate found the basis for the alliance with China…” At the end of the extract from this fictitious world history is described how both the Caliphate and China have eventually had to abandon their world role. The final sentences: “The conditions of a Pax Democratica” – naturally under US direction – “have finally arrived. If only the people of 1992 had seen what their direct descendants could do.
In other words: the aim is an Anglo-American world government, and Islam is currently being used as a means to this end, to destabilise whole countries and throw them into chaos. Now, after the above-mentioned countries, the “united” Europe is also to be chaoticised.2
This is the real background of the current wave of migration streaming mainly from Muslim countries. The New Caliphate is intended to drive a wedge between a chaoticised Europe and a chaoticised Russia. Behind these “fictions” from the West is some real long-range planning; behind the leading policies of the Europeans is a pile of naïve illusions.


Thomas Meyer


1   The Economist, Dec. 26th 1992 – January 8th 1993. See the article by Terry Boardman in this issue of The Present Age on p.9.

2   No greater obstacle stands in the way of the Anglo-American plans for world domination that appear in the form of such fictional maps and book extracts than a Europe united in a real way, for this could establish a really viable connection to Russia, which it has been the explicit intention of US foreign policy over the last 100 years to prevent.


The Present Age Volume 1 / No. 7 October 2015


Beyond Ambition, Vanity and Untruthfulness

How to become a contemporary in the Michael Age
T.H. Meyer

Education and Economic Competition: Britain and China
Terry Boardman

Halloween and Horror
Andreas Bracher

Fantasy & Imagination in the Works of Rudolf Steiner
Stephen E. Usher, Ph.D.

October Calendar

About our Calendar

Solar and Lunar Eclipses: the Spiritual Background
Márta Varga

The Social Question
as Rudolf Steiner’s Mission

Harald Herrmann

The British Power Elite and the First World War
Book review                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Terry Boardman

Belshazzar’s Feast
by Rembrandt

Dr. Christin Schaub

The Unusual Fate of the Literary Estate of W. J. Stein
T.H. Meyer



The Icarus of Miramare
T.H. Meyer


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Beyond Ambition, Vanity and Untruthfulness

One can certainly object to much in the policies of the Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Mihály Orban, especially in regard to the current refugee crisis. But in one thing the Hungarian Premier is correct. The architect Attila Ertsey (Budapest) has drawn to our attention that “Viktor Orban has said that the crisis has been caused by us – that is, by the West and NATO, of which we are members – and therefore the responsibility lies with all of us.” The western media are silent about such statements by Orban. Ertsey argues that the meddling in the Middle East by Cameron, Hollande, the USA and their Middle Eastern allies has to be stopped so that the countries affected can decide about their own futures. We would like to add: unfortunately, the chaoticisation of Europe by the wave of refugees is entirely in line with an ambitious long-term Anglo-American strategy. The plan of the establishment of “an all-powerful world super-government” spoken of by Winston Churchill (14 May 1947) will only be realised through a chaoticised Eurozone, not a united one. Only on the ruins of Europe is Churchill’s aim attainable. Europe will not manage to deal with the refugee problem until it sees through this western ‘chaos strategy’, in which the ISIS terrorists are playing their part even while being fought in a pretentious manner by the West and its allies. According to Ertsey, an ISIS-leader has boasted that around 4000 ISIS fighters have already been infiltrated into Europe amongst the refugees.
Rudolf Steiner ascribed three cardinal vices to our modern era: ambition, vanity and untruthfulness.1
In relation to the last of these, he once said that “hypocrisy is the basic characteristic of public life in our time”.2
According to Steiner, it is not only many private actions that are motivated by vanity, but also a great deal of “science”. For example, one can point to the questionable, extremely complex and not entirely danger-free research that goes on at CERN.
Personal ambition is perhaps the worst enemy of all spiritual development, as Mabel Collins wrote in her book of esoteric schooling Light on the Path. The first step on the path of occult development she therefore gives as: “Kill out ambition”. No easy matter, for ambition is deeply rooted in most people’s habits of life and training today.
One has to go far back in human history to find a time when ambition was still completely unknown: the first Atlantean epoch, which was permeated by the mighty sound of TAO. It was a golden age of selfless devotion to nature and spirit, which were experienced as a powerful unity.3
The “unholy trinity” belongs to the deeper causes of the present war in the Middle East, which stands in a reciprocal relationship to the rejection of the spiritual knowledge that has been available for the past 100 years and more: the more rejection of the spirit in the form of personal ambition, vanity and untruthfulness, the greater the powers of war. Without an energetic turn towards concrete knowledge of the spirit, there will be no lasting solution either of the current refugee crisis 4 nor of the future destiny of Europe and the world.


Thomas Meyer


1   To W.J. Stein, Mitteilungen aus der anthroposophischen Arbeit in Deutschland, Michaelmas 1966.

2   On 21.8. 1920, GA 199.

3   See R. Steiner, Cosmic Memory, GA 11.

4   It goes without saying that the maximum humanitarian aid possible is necessary in all circumstances.

Through dark events to the light of the spirit

The shooting down of the MH-17 airliner in Eastern Ukraine on 17 July 2014 was and still is a cornerstone of Western policy against Russia. The mainstream media have with one voice targeted Russia as the scapegoat for the tragic event. They thus acted as the mouthpiece of US Secretary of State John Kerry, who immediately after the incident spread this view of Russian guilt. The justifications for sanctions against Russia initiated after the Crimea events were substantially fuelled by these accusations. This fuel seems to have evaporated, since the investigation in the Netherlands has not yet produced a clear and transparent result. To cover up for this barren investigation, a new tribunal was to be established within the Security Council, although this same Council had passed resolution 2166 on 21 July 2014, which demanded an international independent investigation. But such an investigation never took place, as the Dutch investigation committee appointed to carry out this task was neither unrestricted, international nor independent.
Now Russia is blamed for vetoing the new tribunal and demanding that resolution 2166 should just be adequately implemented. In an interview for AsiaNews (5 Aug.) Secretary of State Sergei Lavrov soberly points out some blatant holes in the Dutch “investigation”. Though almost the whole world blamed a Russian ground-based BUK air defence system for bringing down the plane, no-one has ever contacted the fact-ory producing the system to link the identity of the BUK system in question with the phenomena of the wreckage of the downed airliner. Why has the US never published satellite photos that could allegedly prove Russia’s guilt? 1
The MH-17 incident is one of the most deadly fruits of an earlier event which triggered a whole series of wars in this millennium, from Afghanistan to the war in the Ukraine, namely, the attacks of 9/11 2001. The fuel that produced the black fruits of this event was the untrue myths spread about it. Everyone could easily see the anti-truth character of these myths. It suffices to follow the analysis of the collapse of WTC Building 7. Such an analysis has been carried out and published for many years by Richard Gage, the founder of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, which has by now more than 2200 members. 14 years after this matrix event of all subsequent events of a similar “terrorist” character (London 2005, Boston 2013, Paris 2015), we decided to look at the 9/11 investigation results of independent truth-seekers like Gage and many others.
Untruth or lies are not abstract things. From a spiritual point of view, they create a certain sort of elemental beings which blur our vision of facts und inspire new lies.2 Thus, uncovering lies and false myths is an act of purifying the polluted spiritual air which we all breathe. Everyone benefits from the selfless work of genuine truth-seekers.
How “simple” things were in earlier times, like the Middle Ages! Usually a conspiracy was a conspiracy, the murderers known, their motives evident. A good example of this is the murder of archbishop Thomas Becket in Canterbury Cathedral on the evening of 29 December 1170. John of Salisbury, an eyewitness of this event and a friend of Becket, collected Becket’s blood in a vial. Later he brought it to Chartres, where it produced a healing miracle and inspired the Becket window. No-one doubted at that time the existence of a spiritual aspect of all things and events. The dead were living helpers and inspirers from the beyond.3 This we can learn from such a period of history. It was a period of spiritual brightness, whereas we live in a world-historical moment of great spiritual darkness. Only if we acknowledge this fact and try to pierce through the darkness to the hidden spiritual light, can we start to become true contemporaries – contemporaries of the living spirit and its manifold beings.


Thomas Meyer



2   R. Steiner, June 9 1908 (GA 198)

3   See the report on the first performance of “The Blood of Thomas Becket”, p 3

The Present Age Volume 1 / No. 6 September 2015


Through dark events to the light of the spirit

The Holy Peasant
Charles Kovacs

How to become a contemporary in the Michael Age
T.H. Meyer

9/11 – 14 Years On
T.H. Meyer

Japan and the West: time for apologies?
Terry Boardman

T.H. Meyer

About our Calendar

September Calendar

Germany and the Eurozone
Andreas Bracher

March of the Naive
Arnold Sandhaus

My Path to Anthroposophy (part 3)
Wilhelm Rath

“The Blood of Thomas Becket”
T.H. Meyer

No.3 Seconds of sleep and the spiritual leadership of the human being
T.H. Meyer




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The Present Age Volume 1 / No. 5 August 2015


Will there be a rise of Europe?

Assistance as Punishment:
The Case of Greece
Gerd Weidenhausen

Midsummer Madness
Terry Boardman

My Path to Anthroposophy (part 2)
Wilhelm Rath

Anthroposophy that is “Felt”
Olaf Koob

Hella Wiesberger 1920-2014
T.H. Meyer

The Passing of an Era – Steven (István) Roboz
Michael Roboz

August Calendar

About our Calendar


In a Glorious Summer, the Darkest of Days…
Terry Boardman

Russia in Focus
Sean McMeekin‘s ‘The Russian Origins of the First World War’
Andreas Bracher

Cyril Moog

Grünewald’s ‘The Temptation of St. Anthony’
T.H. Meyer

No.2 The Postman of Saint-John Perse
T.H. Meyer




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Will there be a rise of Europe?

Every summer at the end of July and the first half of August in the northern hemisphere the so-called Perseids are visible in the constellation of Perseus. On founding our publishing house we named it after this constellation. In doing so, we had in mind the Greek myth which tells of how Perseus, with the wings of Mercury on his shoes, and by using his shield as a mirror, cuts off the head of Medusa with his sword. Medusa embodies the decadent powers of ancient clairvoyance. They had to be killed in the mirror of reflective reason, if human progress was to develop further.
Only after the company was founded did we become aware that the astronomer and Anthroposopher Elisabeth Vreede (1879-1943) had once spoken of Perseus-Michael in relation to the constellation of Perseus. She writes: “It must already seem meaningful to us that in summer, when it is already moving towards autumn, those shooting stars which bring the cosmic iron that defeats the sulphurous dragons of summer appear from that direction in the cosmos where Perseus stands, which according to ancient tradition is to be regarded as the constellation of Michael.”1
In Perseus then we have a Michaelic fighter, who has to push back old forces that have become anti-rational. His sword is the sword of Michael.
Today’s Michael-Impulse calls for an energetic “spiritualisation of the intellect”, including a new awareness of the reality of the “dead” and of karmic and reincarnational facts. Michael sounds a call to a spiritual struggle which is waged in each individual soul. It is the struggle within the human soul between reason, striving for real spirituality, and the irrational forces of Medusa.

The Birth of Europe
Perseus was a son of Zeus (Jupiter). Another kindred being of likewise divine origin and with an intimate link to Zeus was “Europa”. Her Phenician father Agenor was a son of Poseidon and of Libya, an Egyptian daughter of a king. Europa had as a young maiden a dream in which two women appeared, one of an Asiatic kind with a familiar appearance, the other quite foreign-looking. It is known that Zeus, fulfilling this prophecy, approached Europa disguised as  a lovely bull, taking flight with the naïve maiden across the Sea to Crete where she bore him two sons. One of them was Minos, the inspirer of the Minoan culture, the other one Rhadamanthus ruling with his brother over the kingdom of the dead. Then Zeus left her in desolation and solitude. Thereupon she was approached by Aphrodite, telling her: “Love has brought you here, therefore be consoled. It was Zeus, as a bull, who stole you away, and to Zeus you have given your hand in marriage. Now you are the earthly wife of a invincible God. Your name will be immortal, for the foreign part of the world which has given you shelter, will be called for all time Europa.”
Thus the future mission of Europa was inspired and guided by a supersensible being – Zeus. The great values of art, philosophy and democracy were her primary gifts.

Europe has lost its spirit
Today we are at the dead end of this process. No supersensible being nourishes Europe anymore. Art, philosophy and “democracy” are mostly dead or dying. A Golden Calf of pure materialism has replaced the the divine bull (Taurus) of Europe’s origin. Spirit has become spiritless “gold”. It is no accident that it is precisely Greece, once the origin of the best values of Europe, that is now bitterly reflecting the process of decadence in the whole of Europe. The European Union is a purely materialistic concept that has not worked and can never work, and Greece has been taken prisoner in the labyrinths of this disunited union. Not because of the other Europeans’ love for Greece, but out of financial and geopolitical interests. The highest value, the highest criterion for “reality” is money and power. It is no accident that the most important European institutions (IMF, ECB and EC) are all based on these two powers. The high priests of the European Golden Calf are the “Gods” of Goldman Sachs. They tricked Greece into the EU, and they might have to face a later lawsuit against their calculated bad “advice”. They are not likely to lose, for one of the former Goldman Sachs high priests (Mario Draghi) is the president of the ECB.

Destructive militarism as a result of materialism
A by-product of European materialism is destructive intellectualism and a blind alliance with the Western high priests of unlimited financial greed. Sadly, in Europe today, it is mainly Germany that is host to most of these decadent features. A shocking example of this, which is like the other side of the “Greek coin”, is the following: A US military base near Mannheim which was to have been closed in the course of 2015 has received permission to remain open for US military operations. On 23 June the new American minister of defence, Aston Carter, announced the transport of heavy military equipment to Central and Eastern Europe, to counter alleged “Russian aggression”. One of the results: in June 250 Bradley battle tanks and other military equipment were shipped to Bremerhaven, and from there by train to the military base near Mannheim. A 9 minute video filmed the continuous rolling in on a train into the Mannheim base. It is a sinister funeral cortege accompanied by the famous Funeral March by Chopin.
The EU is a “Titanic” project, aiming at the utter destruction of Europe and involving it in the next Great War. The iceberg is Europe’s stubborn materialism. The European Union is but a prelude to “some effective World Super-Government” (Churchill, 14 May 1947, London), doomed to sink as old Atlantis once sank. But Europe is helpless as it has lost its spirit and has mocked most of those who wanted to introduce that spirit in a new form.
One of these individualities was Helmuth von Moltke who is like the personified conscience for the spiritual origin of Europe as well as for the spiritual future of this continent – if there is to be a future for it at all.

Europe needs to discover its path to the new spirit
Behind all the noisy inner and outer warfare, Europe is crying for a new spiritual realism, in the knowledge that there is no “reality” whatsoever without a spiritual component in it, that the so-called “dead” belong to life as a whole as well as the so-called “living” and that even behind money there is a concrete spiritual component. This new mission of Europa is present among the living as among the “dead” souls. After his death in June 1916, there resounds mightily from the soul of von Moltke: “Europe must come to its senses and find its way to the spirit.”
That is the present and future mission of this continent, of Europa, who was born out of an old spirituality that has been totally lost. If Europe finds the way to the spirit, other words of the Moltke soul will come true: “Europe’s materialistic era will be like an interlude when the new Spirit Sun begins to shine for humanity.”

Thomas Meyer

1    E. Vreede, Anthroposophy and Astronomy, Ch. 25, “Shooting Stars and Meteors”

The powerful few and a speech by Vladimir Putin

We are heading into a summer that holds much potential for conflict.
From 10th to 14th June a Bilderberg Conference was held in Telfs, Austria. The topics on the agenda, amongst others, were: artificial intelligence, Greece, Russia, NATO. The participants included US strategists such as the Neo-Con Robert Zoellick, formerly of Goldman Sachs, and Jens Stoltenberg, who heads the US-controlled NATO war alliance. That Russia was to be discussed in the absence of Russians shows that the western power groups à la Bilderberg rigidly hold to NATO’s original intention “…to keep Russia out”.
As to the function of such exclusive meetings which are inaccessible for the Press and the general public we remind our readers of a fundamental task pointed out by Rudolf Steiner already in 1917: that there exists “a spiritual aristocracy parallel to that democratic stream which was at work in the French Revolution (…) Usually people are (…) hypnotized into looking at only one of the streams, while they fail to see the other flowing beside it during the same period in history (…) To see clearly as a human being today, to be open to the world and to understand the world, it is necessary not to be dazzled (…) by empty phrases about democratic progress and so on; it is necessary also to point to that other stream which asserted itself with the intent of gaining power for the few by means that lie hidden within the womb of the lodge.”* Only the beginnings of a realisation of a threefold social structure would take some of the abused power of the “aristocratic” few away and hand it over to the representatives of the people.
In the run-up to the Bilderberg Conference President Putin gave a very noteworthy interview to Luciano Fontana, the new chief editor of Corriere della Sera, on 6 June in Moscow. It is characterized by a discriminating, self-confident and relaxed attitude on Putin’s part and is evidence of the Russian President’s sincere search for peace. Some of Putin’s key statements in it were: “I believe that this crisis was created deliberately…the [media] coverage of [the] process has been absolutely unacceptable…. we are simply forced to respond to what is happening. … The point is that relationships should be built on a long-term basis, not in the atmosphere of confrontation, but in the spirit of cooperation. (…) our policy in this respect is not global, offensive or aggressive. (…) US military spending is higher than that of all countries in the world taken together. (…) I invite you to publish the world map in your newspaper and to mark all the US military bases on it. You will see the difference. (…) I think that only an insane person and only in a dream can imagine that Russia would suddenly attack NATO (…)The aggregate military spending of NATO countries is 10 times – note 10 times – higher than that of the Russian Federation. Russia has virtually no bases abroad.
Finally, the United States unilaterally withdrew from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty. (…) I have proposed to our American partners not to withdraw from the treaty unilaterally, but to create an ABM system together, the three of us: Russia, the United States and Europe. But this proposal was declined (…) For example, the Americans do not want Russia’s rapprochement with Europe.”
Only extracts of the interview were quoted in the Press.**
May the meteor showers from the constellation of Perseus-Michael*** at the end of July and in August encourage clear thinking about the world situation which is currently pervaded by the most unhealthy Medusa forces. May they enable us to differentiate ever more clearly between appearance and reality in the current world crisis.

Thomas Meyer

*    (Jan. 8 1917, The Karma of Untruthfulness, Vol 2, London 2005.)
**    Full transcript in English :
***    More about this in the August Editorial

The Present Age Volume 1 / No. 4 July 2015


The powerful few and a speech by Vladimir Putin

My Path to Anthroposophy
Wilhelm Rath

Letters to Owen Barfield
Saul Bellow

The spiritual background of Public Opinion
T.H. Meyer

The Luciferic beings behind Public Opionion
Rudolf Steiner

The Killing of Osama Bin Laden
Andreas Bracher

Open Ukraine
Franz-Jürgen Römmeler

July Calendar

Saul Bellow and Anthroposophy
Andreas Bracher

Behind Current Events
Damian Mallepree


Challenges to the established views

The Policy of the Entente
Terry Boardman

Lord Milner’s Second War
Andreas Bracher

Developing Anthroposophy
Sevak E. Gulbekian, Prue Benson

Giacinto Scelsi: The Composer in the Wardrobe
Ruedi Bind

Letter to the Editor
Paul Emberson



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The Present Age Volume 1 / No. 3 June 2015


Elemental Catastrophes and their Background

The Midsummer Festival
Charles Kovacs

By-Paths in Occult Progress
Daniel N. Dunlop

Dante – The Creative Genius of the Italian Language
Marcus Schneider

In Defence of Hegel
Terry Boardman

What is Public Opinion?
T.H. Meyer

June Calendar

Saul Bellow and Anthroposophy
Andreas Bracher

“Paranoia” and “Pessimism”?
C.Clark on Helmuth von Moltke
Andreas Bracher

“Post-modern” versus “Modern”
The West and Russia: The Ideological Struggle
Gerd Weidenhausen

The End of Europe?
Houellebecq‘s novel “Submission”
Andreas Bracher

The Heart as the Organ of the Middle
Olaf Koob, M D

Anthroposophy – Inside and Outside
Arnold Sandhaus

Readers’ Letters

No.1 Thomas Becket in Basel
T.H. Meyer



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Elemental Catastrophes and their Background

Almost daily, earthquakes or volcanic eruptions on various scales are occurring somewhere or other on our planet. Since the end of February Chile has suffered repeated earthquakes. Since mid-April Nepal has been hit twice with particular violence. Alongside the usual, more or less materialistic explanations following the first earthquake in Nepal, on 25 April, to which many thousands fell victim, one unusual voice was heard. In the Italian newspaper La Repubblica on 27 April the Indian writer Anita Nair wrote: “By ravaging the planet in an egoistic fashion and by showing an attitude of complete indifference to the environment, we have contributed to all these catastrophes.” And also: “It seems to me that the people of Nepal are paying the price of human greed.” A great thought about the joint responsibility of all human beings for what goes on on our planet! Such a thought is not only rational, it carries a force – through spiritual scientific insights into the interior of the earth and its relationship to what goes on in the human soul – which can remedy not only the material damage, as far as is possible – but which can also teach us to pay close attention to the soul-spiritual causes of such catastrophes. “The Earth does not belong to us”, Nair writes at the end of her article, “and we cannot simply do what we want with it.” (…) It is a matter of a collective guilt (…) We must find the remedy for this guilt.” A hundred years have already passed, but hardly any use has been made of the remedy. Its names are “inner development” and “spiritual knowledge of the relationship between mankind and the Earth”.

Other kinds of elemental catastrophe occurred 80 years ago, as was mentioned in last month’s editorial:  on 14 April 1935, on the day of the exclusions from the G.A.S., almost the whole of the USA was hit by a vast dust storm, later referred to as “Black Sunday”, and Ludwig Polzer-Hoditz, who had sought to stop the exclusions in Dornach, experienced a “spiritual storm” in his sleep that night.  The other noteworthy event around that time was the unexpected death of D.N. Dunlop on 30 May 1935, and that same day, 50,000 people fell victim to an earthquake in Pakistan. (The 80th anniversary of Dunlop’s death was commemorated at an event in London at the end of May).
The words which Rudolf Steiner put into the mouth of the Spirit of the Elements, a character in the fourth scene of his first Mystery drama The Portal of Initiation, in regard to people’s materialistic attitudes, apply both to the more natural and to the spiritual elemental catastrophes:
“…the consequences of your labour / unchain the powers of storm / in the ultimate depths of the world”. Only when more and more people take the concrete unity of the world and the human soul really seriously, can the two kinds of catastrophe gradually be avoided.
Material aid is of course first required in physical catastrophes; those of the second kind call for reflection on causal spiritual intentions. But both kinds of catastrophe will continue until we learn to seek out their deeper soul-spiritual causes.

Thomas Meyer

The Present Age Volume 1 / No. 2 May 2015


April 14 1935 – the twofold Black Sunday

D.N. Dunlop – on the 80th anniversary of his death
T.H. Meyer

The Interior of the Earth and Hiram’s Descent to Cain
T.H. Meyer

Warren Buffett, Superman
Andreas Bracher

Britain and Japan
Terry Boardman

The ‘Primal-Catastrophe’ behind the First World War
T.H. Meyer

May Calendar

“Jacob Blessing the Sons of Joseph” by Rembrandt
Dr. Christin Schaub

On the Heart
Olaf Koob, M.D.

Man and Machine
A review of Paul Emberson’s book “Machines and the Human Spirit
Andreas Bracher


The Suppression of the Temple Legend
T.H. Meyer

“Copernican Turning Point”
Franz-Jürgen Römmeler

A Turning Point for Anthroposophy?
Lukas Zingg

Snowden Documentary Film
Ruedi Bind



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April 14, 1935 – the twofold Black Sunday

April 14, 1935 was a Sunday . . . though no ordinary Sunday.  It was what was later called Black Sunday*. On that very day there was a dust storm in the United States, as has never raged through the States before or since.
Many people believed that the end of the world had come! The damage was devastating.
Woodie Guthrie, inspirer of a generation of folk singers, sang in the Dust Storm Disaster** as an eye witness of the event: “On the 14th day of April of 1935, there struck the worst of dust storms that ever filled the sky (…) And through our mighty nation it left a dreadful track (…) It fell across our city like a curtain of black rolled down, We thought it was our judgment, we thought it was our doom.”
On that very same Sunday a spiritual dust storm raged through Europe and left behind no less serious devastation; its centre was in Dornach, Switzerland. On this day leading members of the anthroposophical society founded by Steiner in 1923, as well as the entire British and Dutch national societies, were expelled from the General Anthroposophical Society***. Steiner had hoped to strengthen the awareness of the eternal individuality in the hearts of his pupils, shining like spiritual suns amidst the diverse personalities and their conflicts.
Ita Wegman, Elisabeth Vreede, Eugen Kolisko, Willem Zeylmans und D.N. Dunlop – to name but a few – became the victims of a spiritual storm of fanaticism and petty-minded self-righteousness within the society. Personal impulses within the members triumphed over those of true individuality. The Over-Soul, as Emerson called the sun of individuality, was darkened by this storm. As Vreede, Wegman and Ludwig Polzer-Hoditz predicted, the events of this day gave enhanced strength to Hitlerism. The universal substance of anthroposophy was weakened. Since that day there have been anthroposophists outside the Anthroposophical Society. It is high time that this fact and its implications were truly recognized.

On May 30, 2015 there will be a commemoration in London of the 80th death day of D.N. Dunlop, one of the principal victims of the spiritual Black Sunday. Rudolf Steiner saw in Dunlop the ideal leader for the British Anthroposophical Society. Dunlop’s premature death, which occurred just six weeks after Black Sunday, stopped the unfolding of his fruitful and selfless endeavours for the blossoming of anthroposophy in the West. When Dunlop died on Ascension Day 1935, there was an earthquake in Quetta, Pakistan.
Discussing the egotistical aspects of personality, Dunlop, at age 28, wrote an article in the last volume of the Irish Theosophist entitled “By-paths of Occult Progress”. In it we find: “To paralyze this personality, to make it an obedient slave and to learn to take away our attention from it and listen to the voice of the Oversoul, – this is the science of true, practical occultism.”****
Like few others, Dunlop practised this very science in his many successful activities within the theosophical, later anthroposophical, movement as well as in the outer world.
This issue of The Present Age is dedicated to D.N. Dunlop in the hope that his supra-personal attitude and achievements may fructify and inspire anthroposophical work worldwide. May the devastating effects of Black Sunday be thoroughly transformed into the dawn of a coming White Sunday.

Thomas Meyer

*    It was Richard Ramsbotham who first drew my attention to Black Sunday.
***    The expel took place exactly 23 yrs after the Sinking of the Titanic (see April Calendar, TPAVol.1/No.1)
****    This article will be reprinted in the June issue of The Present Age.

Spiritual Knowledge as a Constructive Power

Charles Kovacs, in his important lecture about Anthroposophy, points out that all knowledge of the spirit rests within each human soul, like the fish in the depths of the sea. But he also shows that if it is not raised into the light of thinking consciousness, this knowledge becomes a destructive power. There is as much destructive power in the world as there is suppression of the spirit.

Instead of concrete spiritual insight almost everywhere we find phraseology, Nominalism and theoretising intellectualism. But it is good that here and there one sees individuals who at least do not cover up the phenomena of destruction with mere phrases, but call them by their names. To give just two examples: the whistleblower Edgar Snowden, who enabled us to glimpse something of the extent of the surveillance State in which we have been living for a long time now, even if – until now – he has done nothing to illuminate the prime catastrophe of the 21st century, the 9/11 attacks; there has also been George Friedman, originally from Hungary, founder of the think tank STRATFOR, who, in a lecture on 4 February 2015, made clear that the main concern of US foreign policy over the last 100 years has been to prevent a collaboration between Russia and Germany, for only such a collaboration, he said, could threaten the power of the USA. Friedman also points out that with the US-organised “Orange Revolution” in Ukraine, the Russian government understood that the West’s aim was to shatter the new threat from the power block of the Russian Federation by dividing Ukraine. We recommend our readers to watch Friedman’s lecture at:

In anthroposophical waters too we see an intellectualism devoid of spirit or solid foundation floating in many places, like an oil slick shimmering with many colours which is threatening the life of the world of fish. In the witches’ kitchen of Facebook, in which those who do not wish to be seen as “yesterday’s men or women” feel they have to spend time every day, the particularly shimmering initiator of the Critical Edition of Steiner’s works (known as the SKA in German) from Salt Lake City reveals a shocking face, very different from the one seen between the covers of his academic books. Last autumn a ‘Facebooker’ wanted to know whether it was correct, as had appeared in Der Europäer, that Rudolf Steiner had been baptised post-mortem by the Mormons [it took place on 22 January 19901], and found the notion of such baptisms “bizarre”. The SKA editor replied to this on 17 October 2014: ”Say, Roswitha Hoppe, isn’t it just as “bizarre”, to sit down and read Steiner books out loud – and to expect that the dead up there are now really happy because they are at last receiving the blessings of spiritual science? How much more bizarre is a vicarious baptism than a vicarious reading of Steiner?”2

Another day he put down another Facebooker with a word that begins with ‘a’ and ends with ‘hole’. So much for the “blessings” from the new scholar of Steiner’s works. There is a straight line from cynical and frivolous use of thoughts and facts to social barbarism.1
In an enduringly relevant post-mortem communication from Helmuth von Moltke he said: “People on Earth must learn from events, that thoughts are facts” 3, and a year later: “In times like the present wrong thoughts are the actual forces of destruction”.4

Through serious thinking to spiritual knowledge – that is the constructive path. Only on that path can Anthroposophy be found.

Thomas Meyer


1  With reference to the editorial of Der Europäer, Vol. 18. No. 2/3, 2013/2014 that will be brought to our readers in May
2  Source: Facebook Group ‘Virtuelle Anthroposophische Gesellschaft‘ Sebastian Gronbach, posted by Christian Clement; 17 October 2014, 16.00 pm
3  24 May 1918, see Helmuth von Moltke – Light for the New Millennium, p. 207, Vol. 2, Basel 2nd ed. 2006
4  1 May 1919, see Helmuth von Moltke – Light for the New Millennium, p. 242, Vol. 2, Basel 2nd ed. 2006

The Present Age Volume 1 / No. 1 April 2015


Spiritual Knowledge as a Constructive Power

The Meeting with the Being Anthroposophy
Charles Kovacs

The Interior of the Earth and Hiram’s Descent to Cain
Thomas Meyer

Russia’s Path in History
Georgii A. Kavtaradze

Letter from Stourbridge
Shakespear of Arabia
Terry Boardman

April Calendar

Introduction to our Calendar

Letter from Boston American Christmas
Andreas Bracher

Critique of a CritiCal edition SKA
Andreas Bracher

Scientific and Spiritual-Scientific Work
Thomas Meyer

A Turning Point for Anthroposophy?
Lukas Zingg

Greening the Planet Earth
Paul Emberson

Destiny and Freedom
Sivan Karnieli

Editors‘ bios & Imprint


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What is “The Present Age”?

Dear readers and future subscribers,

This is the “free trial” issue of the English-version of the German-language monthly journal Der Europäer, now running into its 19th year. We decided to call this English edition of our magazine “The Present Age – an international monthly journal for the advancement of Spiritual science”.

W.J. Stein (1891–1957), inspired by D.N. Dunlop (1868–1935), had already published a journal with this title in the 1930s (1936–39). By choosing this title we aspire to connect with and continue the great, unfinished impulses of Stein, Dunlop, Ludwig Polzer-Hoditz (1869–1945) and many others. These individuals were pio- neers in realizing the impulses of Rudolf Steiner (1861–1925) for the modern world, each in his own way. Stein wrote the first thesis ever written on anthroposophy; Polzer-Hoditz was instrumental in publicly launching the idea of the threefold society; Dunlop laid the groundwork for a true world economy, which is not yet realized.

The Present Age will try to discuss all major events and developments of our time from a spiritual scientific viewpoint. It is edited on a completely independ- ent basis and has no financial or spiritual obligation to any society or trust.

The Present Age will cover, as does Der Europäer, “Symptomatic events in the fields of economy, culture and spiritual life” and is based on the spiritual research published by Steiner. Its aim is to reach readers in English-speaking countries, as well as English-speaking readers in other parts of the world.

We will, without being dogmatic, not be shy in speaking about spiritual science or “Anthroposophy”, trying to show its unique potential in understanding and tackling all major questions of life. The first issue, which will come out in April, will bring an as yet unpublished article about “The Meeting with the Being of An- throposophy” by Charles Kovacs (1907-2001), an outstanding teacher and painter who worked and lived in Edinburgh.

The editors for the journal are Thomas Meyer (Basel, CH, editor-in-chief), Terry Boardman (Stourbridge, UK, also responsible for translations), Andreas Bracher (Cambridge, USA, co-editor) and Orsolya Györffy (Basel, also responsible for coordi- nation and Admin). Graphics and layout are done by Nils Gunzenhäuser (Bruchsal).

This Zero issue is composed of articles and article excerpts that have been published earlier in Der Europäer or are otherwise from would-be collaborators of The Present Age. They convey an impression of the kind of writing that The Present Age will contain.

To apply the words of D.N. Dunlop for one of his own publications to The Present Age: “It will interest you more than you dream… The price of it is only (… ) £ 10, which is not much if you consider the research necessary for compiling such treasure.”

We value your interest in our publication very much and we would greatly appreciate it if you would pass this “free trial” issue on to friends.

With all best wishes,
Terry Boardman, Andreas Bracher, Orsolya Györffy, Thomas Meyer

See the editors’ introduction on page 11.

The Present Age Volume 1 / No. 0 March 2015


D. N. Dunlop – and the Present Age
T.H. Meyer

The Federal Reserve System
P. V. O’Leary, J.D

Mosaic – glimpses of articles
Andreas Bracher

Future maps and what they revean
Terry Boardman’s book ‘Mapping the Millennium
Andreas Bracher

The Holocaust and Reincarnation
T.H. Meyer

Oscar Wilde and Hubris
T.H. Meyer

Editors’ bios & Imprint


Download here THE PRESENT AGE vol. 1 / No. 0 as a the free trial pdf document.


Download here THE PRESENT AGE vol. 1 / Introduction to our Calendar document.

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