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“Why does the Guardian of the Threshold stand there? The Guardian of the Threshold stands there because true knowledge can be achieved only when we approach it with the right, well-prepared, inward attitude of mind and a genuine desire for knowledge. There is nothing theoretical about truly striving for knowledge. True striving for knowledge is achieved only when the soul lifts itself above all that is offered by the sensory world.” —Rudolf Steiner (April 3, 1924) |
Books in English
Rudolf Steiner Edited by T. H. Meyer: The First Class Lessons and Mantras – Recapitulation Lessons given in Prague, Berne, Breslau, London, and Dornach, 1924 (CW 270)

Rudolf Steiner Edited by T. H. Meyer: The First Class Lessons and Mantras – The Michael School Meditative Path in Nineteen Steps

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„Initiation is precisely this: that we are able to see from the other side of the threshold. There, seeing is not just looking but is also reading. We read the spiritual deeds of spiritual beings who have brought everything into existence. And if we read long enough in this silence, if we put our heart and soul into this reading, we begin to hear in the spirit, and then the gods speak to us. And when the gods speak to us we are within the spiritual world.“ —Rudolf Steiner (April 25, 1924) |
T.H. Meyer: MILESTONES – in the life of Rudolf Steiner and in the development of anthroposophy

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Why was the act of arson that destroyed the first Goetheanum so devastatingly successful in its malicious intent? What was the nature of the poisoning that Rudolf Steiner suffered in 1923? What was the significance of Steiner’s encounter with an unknown Master in 1879, and his later meeting with Friedrich Nietzsche on his sickbed? Rather than presenting an accumulation of data, Meyer takes a symptomatological approach to the evolution of Rudolf Steiner’s thinking, pinpointing specific moments in his biography, whilst making numerous links to contemporary issues. Seemingly unimportant details are significant – such as Steiner’s boyhood habit of smashing dishes, or the droplet of water that adorned Steiner’s forehead at his funeral. The often overlooked language of such images is evaluated within the scope and grandeur of Rudolf Steiner’s life’s work. |
Mabel Collins: Ligth on the Path / Licht auf den Weg – The Story of the Year / Geschichte des Jahres

Fully biligual edition
T.H. Meyer: D.N. Dunlop – A Man of Our Time

D.N. Dunlop – Theosophist, Anthroposophist, founder of the World Power Conference, personal friend of W.B. Yeats – was a true man of our time, combining remarkable practical capacities in industry and commerce with deep spiritual work and involvement. Born in Scotland in 1868, he lost his mother at the age of 5 and was brought up by his grandfather on the Isle of Arran. Surrounded by neolithic stone circles and monoliths on the island, the young Dunlop had a number of profound spiritual experiences which influenced his later life. With the death of his grandfather, he struggled for material survival whilst devotedly studying occult literature. Moving to Dublin, Dunlop mixed in theosophical circles, becoming a friend of W.B. Yeats and the poet-seer AE, and soon discovered Blavatsky’s Secret Doctrine. He went on to be active within the Irish Theosophical Society, giving numerous lectures and editing a monthly journal. Weiterlesen »
Light for the New Millennium -

Rudolf Steiner’s Association with Helmuth and Eliza von Moltke
Edited by T.H. Meyer
Containing a wealth of crucial material on a variety of subjects, Light for the New Millennium is much more than a collection of previously unpublished letters and documents. It deals with themes which are of a tremendous significance for our time, including: the end of the century and the new millennium; the future of Rudolf Steiner’s science of the spirit; karma and reincarnation; life after death; the workings of evil; the destiny of Europe; and the hidden causes of the First World War. It also tells the story of the meeting of two great men and their continuing relationship beyond death; Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) – seer, scientist of the spirit, cultural innovator – and Helmuth von Moltke (1848-1916), Chief of the General Staff of the German army during the outbreak of the First World War. Weiterlesen »
T.H. Meyer: The Development of Anthroposophy since Rudolf Steiner’s Death

This volume begins with Thomas Meyer’s assessment of Anthroposophy’s evolution since Rudolf Steiner’s death and its future prospects. He offers an overview of the eighty-seven years of the development of the anthroposophic movement and the Anthroposophical Society, the worldwide organization headquartered in Dornach, Switzerland, since the death of its founder.
The Society went through a very difficult and controversial period in the ten years following Steiner’s death, which culminated at its Annual Meeting in 1935. The result was the expulsion from the Society of two members appointed by Rudolf Steiner to its Executive Board (Vorstand)—Ita Wegman and Elizabeth Vreede—as well as the British and Dutch branches of the Society and many important anthroposophists who opposed the expulsions.
T.H. Meyer: Ludwig Polzer-Hoditz – A European

Finally available in English, Thomas Meyer’s major biography of Ludwig Polzer-Hoditz (1869-1945) offers a panoramic view of an exceptional life. One of Rudolf Steiner’s most valued and independent-minded colleagues, Polzer-Hoditz was born in Prague – in the midst of the Austro-Hungarian Empire – to an aristocratic family with royal connections. Leaving behind the traditions of his background, he was to become a key actor in Steiner’s regenerative ‘threefold’ social impulses, working tirelessly for a genuinely unified and free Europe. Polzer-Hoditz also fought to protect Rudolf Steiner’s esoteric legacy and the integrity of the Anthroposophical Society that had been founded to further his work. Weiterlesen »
Laurence Oliphant: When a Stone Begins to Roll

Notes of an Adventurer, Diplomat & Mystic
Extracts from Episodes in a Life of Adventure
Edited and Introduced, with commentary and an essay on inspiration by T. H. Meyer
2011 Lindisfarne Books
An imprint of Anthroposophic Press, Inc.
ISBN 978-1584200918
Thomas Meyer / Elisabeth Vreede: The Bodhisattva Question

The Theosophists believed that they had discovered the Bodhisattva – a highly developped human individuality – in an Indian boy who grew up to be a teacher of some magnitude, Krishnamurti. Adolf Arenson and Elisabeth Vreede (member of the founding council of the Anthroposophical Society) both independently examined the connection between the Bodhisattva being and the spirituality and mission of Rudolf Steiner – and were lead to diverse conclusions. More recently the suggestions has been made in anthroposophical circles that Valentin Tomberg – a student of anthroposophy who in later life converted to Roman Catholicisms – was the Bodhisattva of the 20th century. These various claims are carefully considered and evaluated in this book.
188 pp (?)
ISBN 978-1906999193
2nd Edition 2010
2010 Temple Lodge Publishing
T.H. Meyer: Rudolf Steiner’s Core Mission

The Birth and Development of Spiritual-Scientific Karma Research
ISBN 978-1906999100
2010 Temple Lodge Publishing
Walter Johannes Stein: The Death of Merlin –

Arthurian Myth and Alchemy
ISBN: 978-0863156410
Floris Books
T.H. Meyer: Reality, Truth and Evil -

Facts, Questions and Perspectives on September 11, 2001
Using the events of 9/11 and Pearl Harbor as his backdrop, T.H. Meyer studies questions of reality, truth and evil, offering important new perspectives. He shows that Anglo-American political practice (influenced by secret societies such as Skull and Bones) is based on an ideology of polarity and conflict. Meyer offers instances of this tendency, encouraging what Huntington famously referred to as a ‘clash of civilizations’. Weiterlesen »
Barbro Karlén: When the Storm Comes

A moment in the blossom kingdom
ISBN 978-1902636238
Clairview Books
Barbro Karlén: And the wolves howled

Fragments of two lifetimes
For as long as she can remember, Barbro Karlén has harboured terrible memories of a previous existence on earth as the Jewish girl Anne Frank, author of the famous Diary. Until recently, she had kept this knowledge private. Now, prompted by a series of events which culminated in a struggle for her survival, she is ready to tell her amazing story.
And the Wolves Howled is the autobiography of Barbro Karlén, from her early fame as a bestselling child literary sensation in her native Sweden, to her years as a policewoman and a successful dressage rider. Weiterlesen »
Ehrenfried Pfeiffer: A Modern Quest for the Spirit

Compiled and Introduced by Thomas Meyer
Translated by Henry Goulden
Supplements by Lexie Ahrens and Paul Scharff
ISBN 978-1935136-026
T.H. Meyer: Clairvoyance and Consciousness

Tao Impulse in Evolution
What is clairvoyance? How and why should it be achieved? The current growth in New Age thinking has helped to promote teachings which offer paths to clairvoyant states of consciousness. This new spiritual revival, particularly the interest in Taoism, is a reflection of the modern person’s inner urge to be aware of – and to directly perceive – the spiritual. However, many of the ways open to the esoteric pupil today lead back to an ancient form of instinctive clairvoyance, in direct opposition to the development of clear, rational but spiritualised thinking. Weiterlesen »